Coping Resources for Students of Color

This page has been compiled to provide resources for students of color struggling to deal with the ongoing murders of black folk.  Championed by the Office for Diversity and Inclusion with the support of UConn SHAW’s Diversity, Health Equity, and Inclusion committee, this listing will continue to be updated as resources are identified.  Please feel free to circulate this link on social media and with your friends, family, and colleagues.

There are significant health concerns that arise because of racism—lack of concentration – but also anger, suicidality, anxiety, depression, trauma, heart disease, substance use, and hypervigilance, among others.

You have our support and are in our constant thoughts and prayers.

Linked Resources:

Other Practical Things:

  • Take time for yourself, away from the news—limit your exposure to traumatic images and videos. Do things that heal—sleeping, eating, breathing, exercise
  • Acknowledge the pain—the anger, injustice, sadness, hurt, disappointment, despair, infuriation, indignation… the list could go on
  • Reach out to your community—lean on your network of support through texts, phone calls, FaceTiming, and the like. Sharing our collective pain helps to remind ourselves that we’re not alone in this.
  • Use your voice—speak out, demonstrate, do something to help yourself and your community
  • Find people to practice allyship—who are those who look differently from you and who can speak to their communities and stand in solidarity with you? It’s not your job to educate everyone else. That’s emotional labor that others can take on.
  • The burden should not fall on the oppressed to “fix”—we as a diverse community of people take responsibility to do our part in advocating for a just society, eradicating racism, and engaging in a nation and world characterized by love for each other

UConn Student Support:

With all of this, our healthcare offices continue to serve our student community.

Our website is the best way to find the current information about our services: (

On the Mental Health side, in addition to our ongoing services, we’ve re-started our Consultation & Support program which is a free, brief appointment that students can sign up for via online scheduling—a “drop-in” option for students who may want some more quick support though are not in crisis (see

Thank you to Dr. Amanda Waters of University of Connecticut Student Health and Wellness as well as Dr. Jonelle Reynolds of the University of Connecticut Office for Diversity and Inclusion and their teams to help compile these resources.