ODI’s Statement on Chauvin Verdict

April 20, 2021

Today’s verdict provides a glimmer of hope in what continues to be a long-standing battle to end systemic racism in the United States and across the globe. However, there is still much work to be done. History has taught us all too well that we must pause, rest, and regroup because the struggle for racial justice continues. As we take solace in the justice delivered today, we remain committed to addressing hate and structural oppression. We want to remind you of some of the resources and spaces that are available to you in the continued struggle for racial justice:

Also, there will be several events in the coming weeks for us as a community to discuss the implications of this verdict as well as the steps we can take moving forward. In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., “there are some things in our world to which [people] of goodwill must be maladjusted” and that includes bigotry, systemic racism, and other forms of hate that deprive people of their humanity. We need to be “creatively maladjusted” to “courageously do battle for truth.”


The Office for Diversity and Inclusion