ODI In Support of Racial Justice

June 3, 2020

Office for Diversity and Inclusion Statement in Support of Racial Justice 

We are angered and distraught by the recent senseless killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor at the hands of the police and neighborhood vigilantes. Although not unique in nature, these murders speak to the ongoing consequences of structural and systemic racism that continue to permeate all areas of society.   We want to let members of our community who are directly impacted by these blatant disregards for human life know that we see you, we feel with you, and we are here to support you.  Unfortunately, many of us know all too well the cost and trauma associated with constantly having to navigate racism, discrimination, and oppression. We want to remind you of the resources that are available to you through our office, other areas across the campus, and throughout the state.   



The Office for Diversity and Inclusion